Mar 22, 2017

Congratulations to FS crop specialists earning CCS (Certified Crop Specialist) designations

Kim Hooey
Tyler Sabelli
Kim Hooey, Lucknow District Co-operative FS crop specialist, and Tyler Sabelli, Jess Snobelen and Mike Veenema, crop specialists with AGRIS Co-operative have all successfully completed the requirements necessary to hold credentials as a Certified Crop Specialist (CCS) in the FS SystemThis prestigious achievement is the next level up in their extensive agricultural training. 

The Certified Crop Specialist accreditation recognizes crop advisors for their production expertise, says Don McLean, GROWMARK Ontario agronomy business director. “These credentials prove a CCS’s ability to put his or her training to work in finding solutions that help producers optimize agronomic results, economic return and environmental stewardship.
Jess Snobelen

Mike Veenema
To earn the title of Certified Crop Specialist, students are required to successfully complete a series of comprehensive written and verbal exams designed to establish base standards of knowledge on the topics of nutrient management practices, integrated pest management, soil erosion and water quality. Among the skill sets assessed were technical knowledge; the ability to discover, identify and analyze yield-limiting factors from a grower’s field records; identify common pest problems and recommend economic treatment measures; discuss and analyze the economic aspects of crop production; and understand the need-identification process.

Currently there are 17 individuals in Ontario that hold this GROWMARK designation and are among approximately 200 in the FS Co-operative System’s service area of Ontario and the states of Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin.

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