Contributed by: Audrey Aczel, communications and event manager, Ontario Co-operative Association.
Co-op Week in Canada is being celebrated from October 16 to 22 this year - the same week as International Credit Union Day, which is on October 20! It is an opportunity for co-operative and credit union members, staff and enthusiasts provincially, nationally and globally, to celebrate the impact we have as a sector and as a movement. Co-op Week is also recognition of our continuing contributions to sustainable social and economic development both at home and abroad.
Co-operatives are community-focused businesses that balance people, planet and profit. They are formed to seize local opportunities or respond to local challenges.
Here are some quick and easy CO-OP
FACTS AND STATS you could share:
- There are 1,300 co-operatives, credit unions and caisses populaires, located in Ontario.
- Ontario co-operatives have 49,000 volunteers - 10,000 of which are board members.
- Co-ops are in every business sector, and offer services from the cradle to the grave, from child care through to funeral co-ops!
- Co-operatives create $3.3 billion in income for Ontarians.
- Co-operatives are value-based and member-owned and focused.
- More than 1 of every 7 people worldwide are a member of a co-op.
- Co-operatives operate in more than 90 countries and employ over 100 million people around the world.
- Twice as many co-ops remain in operation after 10 years as other types of business enterprise.
In 1844, the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers in England established the basis for the principles in which co-operatives around the world continue to operate. The seven co-operative principles are still a common platform for all co-ops today. They are:
Happy Co-op Week!
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