Mar 10, 2011

National biodiesel bumper sticker campaign launched by CRFA

FS PARTNERS is the first distributer of biofuels across Canada to be involved in the The Canadian Renewable Fuels Association and Grain Farmers of Ontario newly launched biodiesel bumper sticker campaign.

The initiative was announced March 21 in London at GFO annual meeting. The plan is to see that all vehicles fueled with biodiesel will have a bumper sticker that reads “Powered by Biodiesel” to show support for the federal government’s national biodiesel standard and promote awareness of the enviromentally friendlier fuel.

 Tom O'Neill, FS PARTNERS energy sales manager says that FS PARTNERS sees the value in using bumper stickers to spread the word. Almost 1300 school busses throughout Ontario have been labelled with Powered by Biodiesel stickers for the past few years. “We believe it is very important to continue the push for renewable fuels throughout Canada and being involved in the ‘Powered by Biodiesel’ bumper sticker initiative is part of that goal.”

“Farmers here and across the country are clearly enthusiastic about the increased production and promotion of biodiesel. This bumper sticker will let them proudly show their support,” said Canadian Renewable Fuels Association President Gordon Quaiattini in announcing the campaign. “The 2% renewable fuel standard for biodiesel is an investment in our future. It is creating good jobs, helping farmers find new ways to prosper and is helping protect our planet for future generations,”

A recent AgCall survey of active Canadian canola and soybean growers in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario showed overwhelming support for the production and promotion of biodiesel in Canada. 87% of respondents supported using Canadian grown canola/soybeans in the production of biodiesel. 81% of respondents supported a federal renewable strategy that would promote the use of canola/soybeans in the production of biodiesel.

“Biodiesel is a great potential growth industry for Ontario’s grain and oilseed farmers, but in order for our 28,000 members to see any benefit, we need to see a biodiesel plant built in Ontario and a two per cent renewable diesel mandate passed,” added Don Kenny, Chair of the Grain Farmers of Ontario. “Our farmers have seen the benefits of the growth of the ethanol industry and they are hopeful for similar success in the biodiesel industry.”

(L) Tom O'Neill of FS PARTNERS with Gordon Quaiattini, president of the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association.

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